903.455.0545 info@hcsmfish.org

Community Service Donations

Click the Button To Make a donation to satisfy Court-Ordered Community Service Requirements

Hunt County Shared Ministries is one of the approved charities by the Hunt County and Greenville courts. Donations to our organiztion will qualify for Community Service Hours at the rate of $10.00 for each required hour of service. Please indicate the name of the person for the whom the payment is being made, the number of hours being paid for, and the probation officer.


You may also pay your Community Service hours in person with cash at
2805 King St. Greenville, TX 75401

Street Address:
2805 King Street, Greenville, TX 75401

Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 124, Greenville, TX 75403

Our current hours of operation are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 am – Noon
Thursday is Produce Distribution 10:30am at 2825 O’Neal St. (weather permitting)
E-mail: info@hcsmfish.org

Phone: 903.455.0545
Fax: 903.455.0546