About Hunt County Shared Ministries
A Word from Our Team…
For over 45 years, Hunt County Shared Ministries has helped families who have run into hard times. Perhaps there’s been job loss, illness, a family crisis, or any number of other things that can cause a family to suddenly face hunger.
It is a well-known fact that a child who eats will have a better opportunity to be physically and mentally healthy and to be successful in school. Many senior adults are faced with the choice about whether to fill a necessary prescription or buy food. A mother cannot concentrate at work if she’s worried about what the family will eat for dinner, and a father should not have to go to bed hungry because he sacrificed a meal for his children. Hunt County Shared Ministries is a safety net for Hunt County residents.
From a small pantry inside a church to an organization partnering with local food pantries, schools, churches and organization to serve over 80,000 people each year – it’s a testament to what can happen when a community comes together to help their neighbors in need.

Hunt County Shared Ministries Team
Some of Our Programs
Meals for At Risk Kids
(M.A.R.K Program)
Meals for At Risk Kids, or M.A.R.K., is a program of Hunt County Shared Ministries that provides nutritious food resources for children K-6th grade for weekends and summer break. M.A.R.K. provides 7 nutritious, easy to prepare meals and snacks for approximately 300 children at 5 Hunt County school districts.
Research shows that children who are chronically hungry do not do as well in school as their well-fed counterparts. A hungry child can’t focus on a math lesson. A child wondering what he will eat for breakfast on Saturday can’t focus on reading. Teachers report that chronically hungry children often have issues with discipline as well. M.A.R.K., in partnership with the schools, seeks to alleviate the problem of chronic hunger in children.
Hunt County Gives
Hunt County Gives is our annual Thanksgiving and Christmas food distribution program done in conjunction with area food pantries and churches. We provide generous boxes of food to over 1,500 pre-registered families at each holiday. Each box contains packaged food, produce and some fresh items for a holiday meal as well as supplemental food to help get a family through the holidays when schools and services are closed. Registration information is posted on our Facebook page.
One of the highlights of Hunt County Gives is the annual packing nights when over 100 people of all ages show up to help get the food boxed. The packing schedule will be posted on our Facebook page.
Community Partners
We are fortunate to have a number of local businesses, organizations and service groups that provide financial support, food and/or volunteer hours to our pantry. Each Community Partner’s support of our organization is valued at at least $10,000. We are grateful for their support!
Our Community Partners group provides not only financial support for HCSM, but also in many other ways. We receive both financial and volunteer support from local corporations, foundations, service clubs and individuals. Utility assistance comes from GEUS, Farmers Electric, Atmos Energy and TXU. Assistance with prescription and medical costs comes from Hunt Regional Healthcare. Food assistance is provided by the North Texas Food Bank, Walmart, Brookshires, Super One, Aldi and Panera.

Our History
In 1978, several exceptional and caring individuals from Redeemer Lutheran Church led by Rev. Bill Hunt, pastor of Grace Presbyterian Church, came together to attempt to alleviate hunger in Greenville. They started a small food pantry in the church and served a few families a week. In 1981, they were joined by members of Grace Presbyterian Church to create something with a broader reach and gave it the name FISH, in remembrance of Jesus’ miracle of feeding over 5000 with just a few fishes and loaves of bread. Soon, other churches and individuals joined and the mission began to grow as the larger need in the community was recognized.
Now, over 45 years later, our mission has not changed, but has grown and evolved into a true partnership between area churches, community members, county businesses, and other non-profits, social service agencies and foundations to not only feed the hungry, but to help our neighbors in need deal with many of the crisis situations that can devastate them very quickly. Families in our community experience firsthand the reality of job loss, illness, abuse and other family crises.
Today HCSM works hard to go above and beyond providing only canned goods and pantry staples by ensuring that our Hunt County Neighbors have access to fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, milk, and meat. Assistance is also provided in the form of housing/utility assistance, access to healthcare services, prescriptions, dental, optical, some educational assistance and other related areas.
Our Mission
To provide short-term emergency assistance to residents of Hunt County who are in crisis due to neglect, abuse, or with serious illness, loss of job and other family crisis situations. Assistance is provided in the form of food, housing/utility assistance, access to healthcare services, prescriptions, dental, optical, some educational assistance and other related areas of assistance.
What Does “FISH” Mean?
You will often hear Hunt County Shared Ministries referred to by folks as “FISH” or “Fish Ministries.” That name comes from our early days as a small food pantry, in remembrance of Jesus’ miracle of feeding over 5000 with just a few fishes and loaves of bread. There was an assumption that the letters stood for something, but for many years they didn’t. A few years ago, Executive Director Wally Jeffers came up with a new meaning, and we believe it stands for what our staff and volunteers do every day – they are Fully Involved in Sharing Hope!
Help your neighbors in need by donating to Hunt County Shared Ministries
Hunt County Shared Ministries is one of the approved charities by the Hunt County and Greenville courts. Donations to our organization will qualify for Community Service Hours at the rate of $10.00 for each required hour of service. Please indicate the name of the person for the whom the payment is being made, the number of hours being paid for, and the probation officer. Click the Button below to make a donation to satisfy Court-Ordered Community Service Requirements.
You may also drop off or mail checks. Hunt County Shared Ministries is located at:
2805 King Street, Greenville, Tx 75401
Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 124, Greenville, Texas
Street Address:
2805 King Street, Greenville, TX 75401
Mailing Address:
P.O. BOX 124, Greenville, TX 75403
Our current hours of operation are: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday from 9:00 am – Noon
Thursday is Produce Distribution 10:30am at 2825 O’Neal St. (weather permitting)
E-mail: info@hcsmfish.org
Phone: 903.455.0545
Fax: 903.455.0546